Pacific Center Podcast

Welcome to the Pacific Center Podcast. This podcast features interviews with a wide range of healthcare practitioners, researchers, authors, innovators, athletes, entrepreneurs, and more. You can look forward to some thought-provoking conversations on the latest research about the use of diet, exercise, herbs, nutritional supplements, and other traditional and integrative healthcare practices to promote optimal health and achieve peak performance.

Joe Tafur, MD, shares his knowledge of ancient shamanic medicine to the modern research on psychedelics. He and Dr. Greg Lane explore the explosion in psychedlic research on treating emotional trauma such as PTSD and opening the doors of perception through disruption of the default node network.
In this episode, Dr. Greg Lane interviews Brett Rabin, acupuncturist for the San Diego Padres. We are invited to take a peek into a profession of working with athletes alongside an integrative medical team.
Eric Brand is a graduate of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and a fluent Chinese speaker. He is the author of A Clinician’s Guide to the Use of Granule Extracts and the co-author of the text Concise Chinese Materia Medica.
In this episode, Dr. Greg Lane interviews Dr. Robert Nations. They discuss the history, philosophy, and practice of Qi Gong and Tai Ji.