Live Webinar
Thursday, Feb 27th 7-9pm EST/4-6pm PST
Not just Liver Qi Stagnation; Internal Medicine Red Flags for Alternative Medicine Providers (Safety Credits)
with Dr. Hashemipour
2 CEUs California (approved) and NCCAOM Safety Credits (pending)
$55 for earlybird prior to Jan 30th
This course will help students recognize and manage some of the most common cardiology and gastroenterology red flags in integrative medicine practice. Case study presentations and discussions of integrative diagnostics and treatment options will allow students to assess and avoid concept bias and evaluate safety/need for referrals and medical emergencies in the context of integrative medicine practice. Textbook author Dr David Hashemipour, who has served as an Integrative Medicine doctor at the Olympics and in hospital emergency rooms, developed the Advanced Integrative Diagnosis curriculum for Pacific College’s doctoral programs.
Course Content:
- Recognize the most common red flags for Cardiology and Gastroenterology in Integrative Medicine practice.
- Participate in Case Study discussions related to Cardiology and Gastroenterology red flags
- Assess safety and when and how to opt for referral in the context of integrative Medicine diagnosis and treatment
Dr. David M. Hashemipour has practiced in a variety of settings including in a hospital Emergency Room in China. He was selected to work as an integrative medicine doctor in the Olympic Village during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and replicated similar roles during the 2010 Asian Games and internationally in sports competitions, applying tui na and acupuncture. He served as a council member of the specialty committee of Internal Medicine in the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society (WFCMS) in China. Since 2017, Dr. Hashemipour has been an active member of the eligibility committee at NCCAOM. He compiled and edited the textbook Chinese Medicine Study Guide Diagnostics, published by PMPH in 2008.
Dr. David Hashemipour holds a clinical PhD in acupuncture and Oriental medicine from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and an international medical doctor (MD) degree in Western medicine, and has over 25 years of clinical experience in both Western and Chinese medicine. Dr. H has been actively involved in teaching and researching Integrative Medicine for over two decades, establishing himself as an expert in the field of Integrative medicine. He served as a professor at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine for over 7 years. He developed the Advanced Integrative Diagnosis (AID) class for Pacific College’s doctorate program where he has been teaching AID and Integrative Case Management since 2016. He has also been teaching “Integrative Psychiatry” for the doctorate program at AAHW College (formerly named AAAOM) since 2016.