The Golden Elixir of Longevity and Immortality: The Qigong and Taiji Wellness System

Course Description The focus of this lecture is to reveal that ancient Chinese sages and medical practitioners understood what conventional science is realizing now – thousands of years later. Tai Chi and Qigong activate basic physiological mechanisms that are associated with the reduction of pathology – through self-regulatory mechanisms that neutralize the negative effects of […]

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Acupuncture Treatment of Joint Dysfunction Made Easy

The integration of Chinese acupuncture practices with anatomy, western orthopedics, and sports medicine. Each participant will have increased skills and confidence in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of many common joint injuries seen in the acupuncture clinic. 

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Traditional Nutrition Considerations for the Modern Patient

Considerations around diet and food preparation that are having a direct impact on your patients’ health, and your treatment outcomes. This discussion goes beyond the standard direction of eating organic, gluten-free, etc. We will be looking at the role of modern agriculture and food production methods, and how simple, often overlooked techniques of ancestral food […]

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Yangsheng Teachings on Living Longer, Healthier, Happier and Wiser

This short presentation will give a broad overview of the 2500 year old yangsheng (nourishment of life) teachings on how to live longer and be healthier, happier and wiser in doing so. It will inspire practitioners to care for their own wellbeing and to serve as models and teachers for their patients.

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Cultivating the Mind and Emotions for Health and Wellbeing

Chinese Health Cultivation teachings usually start with the mind and emotions. This presentation will delve into the harm caused by unregulated emotions and explain, using both yangsheng (nourishment of life) teachings and modern research, how we and our patients can transform them into positive mental states.

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