Hospital Based Massage Part 1

This class will provide an overview of the basic concepts to providing massage therapy and bodywork in a hospital setting.  Students will learn about safety precautions, assessments, treatments and how to document in an electronic medical record.  Students will learn to modify their treatment based on the patients’ current condition, chief complaint, and the patients’ […]

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Hospital Based Massage Part 2

This class will provide an overview of the basic concepts to providing massage therapy and bodywork in a hospital setting.  Students will learn about safety precautions, assessments, treatments and how to document in an electronic medical record.  Students will learn to modify their treatment based on the patients’ current condition, chief complaint, and the patients’ treatment goals.  The course will include […]

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***All courses are NCCAOM approved. Use the "Approved by" menu on the All Courses page to find courses approved by the California Acupuncture Board. Check course descriptions carefully to confirm CAB approval before purchasing. *** Dismiss