Course Description
Cupping Workshop-Fundamentals of Modern Cupping Therapy offers a comprehensive look at clinical applications of modern cupping. Basic methods of client evaluation for various cupping treatments will be covered. Participants will learn and practice a variety of cupping treatment protocols for use alone or in the context of other treatment. Participants will learn about the science, theories, and physiological responses to cupping, as well as safe practices, and contraindications.
- Evaluate clients and their conditions for different methods of cupping
- identify safety concerns and contraindications for cupping
- Demonstrate cupping protocols for a variety of conditions and situations.
Pricing will be
$350/Students 210
Earlybird by April 17th
325/Students 195
(10% discount for ASNY & NJAS members & Pacific faculty and alumni)
15 PDA/CEUs from CA and NCCAOM, including 2 required NCCAOM Safety Credits (pending)
Pacific College is a NY State Massage Board Approved Provider